Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Olivia's Story"

Hi everyone! I hope all of you had a happy and healthy holiday season.
I have just a few announcements to pass along. The first is that before the holidays I finished checking the last of the "galley proofs" for the next book, "Olivia's Story: The Conspiracy of Heroes Behind Shelley v. Kraemer." Galley proofs are the special pages put together by the publisher as the last part of the main process of publishing a book. The author and editors at the publishing house check through these galleys one last time to make sure everything is as it should be. Then, when the galleys are approved by all parties, the book goes to print. "Olivia's Story" is right on schedule, and it will be printed and ready to be released in bookstores nationwide on February 1, 2010. I'll write more about the galleys and the process of a book being published in a future writing. For now, I'll just say that I'm tickled that "Olivia's Story" is on schedule! A commercial for the book has also been prepared, and it is already posted on YouTube. I'll be posting that link in a couple of days, so please check back.
I'll be back soon!
Happy reading!



  1. My students just finished reading Inman's War and are anxiously awaiting the release of Olivia's Story!


  2. I'm so excited to see your hard work in book form! And I'm proud to see you've got a handle over your blog. You inspired me to start my own: www.tracleetoen.blogspot.com

    Hope all is well back at school!
