Sunday, January 17, 2010

Olivia is ready!

January 17, 2010

Hello again!
Friday was an incredibly exciting day for me, a day that all authors look forward to. My editor sent me copies of the new book: Olivia's Story: The Conspiracy of Heroes Behind "Shelley v. Kraemer." There are few words that can describe the joy felt the day a new book becomes a reality. All the hard work done by all the people who are behind the publication of a book comes together in one beautiful package. As I opened the box and took my first look at the book, I was in awe. My publisher really went all-out on the "presentation" of this book. Everything -- from the absolutely gorgeous book jacket to the internal layout of the book -- looks beautiful. I did laugh, though, while looking at the inside flap of the back part of the book jacket. There is *the* picture of me -- my official publicity shot. Yes, I need to get a new picture; this one makes it look like a tree is growing out of my arm. Anyway, back to the book... Friday night I sat on my couch and read through it. This first look through a completed book is such an exciting time for an author. There were places where I could remember exactly what I was doing when I wrote those passages, and a flood of memories came back. While looking through the book, I felt so many wonderful emotions. I just kept saying to myself, "Wow! It is really here!" Olivia's Story will be released nationally February 1. In the meantime, if you'd like to see a "commercial" for the book, please go to this YouTube address:

I'll be back soon. In the meantime, take care!

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