Tuesday, December 14, 2010

NCTE Convention, Orlando, Florida

Hi, all! Just returned from the National Council of Teachers of English national convention in Orlando, Florida. I had a *wonderful* time! I was asked to be one of the featured authors for the special Saturday luncheon, and that was a great time. I was there with Lois Lowry, Arnold Adoff, Carole Boston Weatherford, and too many others to list. I was placed at a table with the marvelously gifted poet Marilyn Singer (pictured with me above), and she and I talked about our work and told stories for the others at our table. The book signing afterward was also a lot of fun because I got to meet a bunch of wonderful people. The convention was at the Coronado Beach Resort at Disney World, so I got to stay in one of the Disney resort hotels - -and even had time to visit all four of Disney's kingdoms. I think I'd have to say I liked Animal Kingdom the best, although the Magic Kingdom is still hard to beat. The weather was nearly eighty degrees, and no rain fell while we were there. All in all, it was a glorious time. I'll post a few photos of the trip.
I'm still writing the next story and am having a great time doing so. More about that in a future post. Until then, I hope all of you have a holiday season full of peace and joy! Jeff

Description of pictures shown, from top to bottom:

1). Marilyn Singer and me at author luncheon.
2). Me with Sally Walker at the book signing in the
main convention hall.
3). Carole Boston Weatherford and me at the book signing.
4). Linda and me at the Coronado Beach Resort,
main convention hub.