Yesterday's event was, in a word, WONDERFUL! Here is how it was billed in the promotional materials:
"A Walk with Pearl McGill" - June 21, 2014
You won't want to miss this enchanting walk with "Pearl McGill". Jeff Copeland, author of Shell Games will be leading a bus trip throughout Muscatine following "Pearl McGill's" steps 100 years ago!! We will also take the road to Buffalo, Iowa to check out her last living days there and finally learn about her murder!!
Jeff will read passages from the Shell Games book and provide enchanting details of Pearl's story as a 16 year old industrial spy in Muscatine in 1911.
Seats are limited for the bus ride so you will want to book your space now. Tickets are $35 per person for the afternoon event which is a fundraiser for the Muscatine History and Industry Center. The bus will pick us up at the museum at 117 West Second Street at 1:00 P.M. on Saturday, June 21, 2014 and return us to the museum at 4:30 P.M.
On an absolutely beautiful summer day, about fifty individuals seeking to "see behind the curtain" of the Shell Games story all met in Muscatine to walk in Pearl McGill's shoes and learn more about her life and legacy. Our tour bus stopped at sites in and around the area, and at each location I read a short selection from the book related to the events that took place there. Following the reading, I then gave additional information about the story, information that I didn't have room to include in the book. After our last stop in Muscatine, we drove the short distance to Buffalo, Iowa, where one of the main characters of the book was murdered. We "walked off" the events of that fateful evening, and I demonstrated how the initial accounts of the crime were flawed. As a matter of fact, that murder is still considered a "cold case" because the coroner who investigated the events concluded "cause of death by hand unknown." I have my own theories about this case, and I invite you to read the book to see if you come to the same conclusions.
We will be doing more of these tours in Muscatine in the coming months, so please contact the center/museum for additional details. For now, I'll also post a couple of pictures of our adventure yesterday.
I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer. Take care -- and happy reading!